Growing up is never easy. Even with a loving supportive family, education and financial security, children and teens will encounter various obstacles throughout their lives. Often, they may not possess the skills needed to successfully navigate or understand their emotional lives. Maybe mental or emotional issues are hindering their ability to express themselves and they end up lashing out at friends, caregivers and parents who just want to help. A skilled therapist empathetically works with young people to help them examine their thoughts, feeling and emotions as they learn and practice new skills and ways to communicate that allow them to live with new perspective and an authentic sense of self.
Has your child been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and you want an experienced counselor to help guide your child through school, social interactions and their personal lives? Do you want a professional to offer you as a parent/caregiver resources and support as your child grows?
ADD/ADHD therapy offers young people with strategies to overcome their own emotional negativity as well as perceived societal attitudes about their condition. The disorder often presents itself with restlessness, irritability and an unwillingness to delay gratification as well as a lack of focus. Some of the bigger challenges for children with ADD and ADHD are low self-esteem and learning how to manage their time – issues that will become vital as they grow into adulthood. Learning to manage their symptoms as a child will potentially help them be more successful as adults. Counseling offers children new avenues of thought and action that can lead to increased self-confidence, healthier relationships and a loving acceptance of themselves.
Spectrum Disorders
Do you have a child who has been diagnosed on the autism spectrum? Are in need of professional help to navigate the specific challenges related to this developmental disorder?
Having the help and guidance of an experienced therapist can provide both children and family members with behavioral training as well as resources, tools and insight. Children can manifest a complex range of symptoms from mild to severe which can affect communication and behavior. Counseling offers children personal attention and a compassionate response to help them understand and accept themselves as they grow into adulthood.
Do you often feel lonely, longing for a human connection? Maybe you’re a friendly person, who finds it difficult to establish new relationships, whether it’s a friend or a possible romantic partner? Do you have trouble maintaining boundaries with others, allowing them to use you and your resources with nothing in return? Do you want to be in a healthy relationship but not sure what that looks or feels like?
No one wants to be isolated. Being a healthy adult means navigating through the world with others, making deeper connections with friends, co-workers and romantic partners. Many people get caught up in superficial relationships that leave them emotionally drained. Others are unsure how to reach out and make that first step to being a good friend, neighbor or partner. Counseling can help you examine your individual challenges and target ways to move toward a healthier acceptance of who you are in this world – and cultivate the skills that can increase meaningful relationships.
Social Skills/Behavioral Issues
Has your child’s behavior drastically changed in a matter of weeks? Do they seem constantly upset and often in trouble? Have they withdrawn from the world, locking the door to everyone including you? Have they abandoned old friends and are now with friends you have never met? Have there been incidents of self-injury? Are they fighting more with their friends?
The stereotypical sassy and sarcastic teenager is rooted in reality – young people are testing the limits as they learn how to claim their own identity apart from their family. But if their behavior affects school work, favorite pastimes, friendships and relationships, they may need help navigating their oncoming adulthood. Every child needs practice handling strong emotions and understanding the limits and consequences of their attitudes and actions.
Traumatic Experiences
Has a traumatic event pushed your child into unknown emotional territory? As parents, are you left wondering how best you can support your child as they recover from life-changing situations? Do you feel helpless to help your child?
Traumatic events shape every human being. Responding to extreme trauma presents challenges to our abilities to explore larger life issues. For children and young people, being exposed to disturbing experiences too soon can affect their relationships – with self, others and the world. Post-traumatic stress coping mechanisms can cause children to withdraw inwardly, rebelliously act out, be subjected to outbursts of panic, or retreat into a state of numbing fear. Regardless of the event, recovery from trauma takes time; with the help of a compassionate therapist, your child can learn how to move forward step-by-step to a deeper understanding of their proper place in the world.

“The world is not always a kind place. That's something all children learn for themselves, whether we want them to or not, but it's something they really need our help to understand.” Fred Rogers